1. 问候 Greetings:Good morning/afternoon/evening, How are you? How's it going?
2. 介绍 Introductions:Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm... This is..., Nice to meet you.
3. 道别 Farewells:Have a good day/evening/weekend, It was nice talking to you, See you later/tomorrow.
4. 感谢 Thanks:Thank you for your time/help/email, I appreciate it.
5. 道歉 Apologies:I'm sorry for the delay/inconvenience, I apologize for the mistake.
1. 会议安排 Meeting arrangements
2. 会议表达 Meeting expressions: Let's get started, The purpose of this meeting is..., What are your thoughts on this?
3. 意见表达 Expressing opinions: I agree/disagree, In my opinion..., I'm not sure I understand.
4. 会议总结 Meeting conclusion: To sum up..., Let's meet again next week, Minutes will be sent out later.
1. 邮件开头 Email openings: Dear..., To whom it may concern, I hope this email finds you well.
2. 邮件目的 Email purpose: I am writing to..., With reference to..., Please find attached...
3. 邮件结尾 Email closings: Best regards, Sincerely, Looking forward to your reply.
4. 邮件常用缩写 Email abbreviations: ASAP (as soon as possible), FYI (for your information), ATTN (attention).
1. 项目进度 Project progress: On track, Behind schedule, We've made significant progress.
2. 数据分析 Data analysis: Statistics show that..., According to the data..., There's a trend of...
3. 问题解决 Problem-solving: We're facing some challenge
4. 成果展示 Achievement presentation: We've achieved our goals, The results are impressive, This is a successful project.
1. Deadline (截止日期):The deadline for the project is next Friday.
2. Overtime (加班):I have to work overtime tonight to finish this report.
3. Presentation (演示):I'm giving a presentation on the new marketing campaign tomorrow.
4. Negotiation (谈判):We're in negotiations with a potential investor.
5. Contract (合同):Please review the contract carefully before signing it.
6. Client (客户):We need to keep our clients happy.
7. Colleague (同事):I get along well with my colleagues.
8. Boss (老板):My boss is very demanding.
9. Salary (薪水):I'm satisfied with my current salary.
10. Promotion (晋升):I'm hoping to get a promotion next year.