
当前位置: 钓虾网 > 说说 > 职场不能做的十件事英文翻译


2025-03-17 作者:钓虾网 2


Navigating the professional world can be tricky, and there are certain behaviors that are universally frowned upon. Here are ten things you should avoid in the workplace, translated into English for your convenience:

1. Gossiping: "Don't gossip. It will come back to bite you." This saying holds true in any language. Spreading rumors or engaging in negative talk about colleagues is unprofessional and can damage your reputation.

2. Procrastinating: "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." Procrastination leads to stress and poor work quality. Stay organized and manage your time effectively.

3. Being Negative: "Negativity is contagious." A negative attitude can bring down team morale. Focus on solutions and maintain a positive outlook.


4. Taking Credit for Others' Work: "Give credit where credit is due." Plagiarism is unethical and unacceptable. Always acknowledge the contributions of others.

5. Disrespecting Boundaries: "Treat others how you want to be treated." Be mindful of personal space and avoid interrupting conversations.

6. Dressing Inappropriately: "Dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Your appearance should reflect professionalism and adhere to company dress codes.

7. Abusing Company Resources: "Company property is not your personal property." Using company resources for personal use is unethical and can have serious consequences.

8. Burning Bridges: "You never know when you might cross paths again." Even if you're leaving a job, maintain professional relationships and avoid negative outbursts.

9. Ignoring Feedback: "Feedback is a gift." Constructive criticism is an opportunity for growth. Be open to feedback and use it to improve your performance.

10. Complaining Excessively: "Don't be a Debbie Downer." While it's okay to voice concerns, excessive complaining can be draining for those around you. Focus on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

钓虾网小编提醒大家,职场中避免这些行为可以帮助你建立良好的职业形象, fostering positive relationships with colleagues and superiors. Remember, professionalism and respect are key to success in any workplace.





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